Exactly four months until Christmas! Have you started your holiday shopping yet?
Ever since Prank Packs debuted in 2009, I have been a huge fan. Well, for one, I love a good prank and second, because they are just so downright believable at first. Just enough time to pull off a prank on someone you know or love.
What’s a Prank Pack?
They’re the boxes for screamingly funny, hilariously awful, but scarily plausible products that don’t really exist. The photography, typography, and layout of these boxes are perfect. I mean, they look exactly like the cheesiest products you’d buy from TV infomercials. You put gift receiver’s real presents inside the empty Prank Pack boxes. Then, when they unwrap their gifts, you get that delicious moment of watching their faces as they struggle to be tactful. They think you’ve just given them the all-time turkey of presents. Once they figure out that it’s just a satirical prank, there’s even more laughter — and then gratitude for the much more thoughtful present you’ve stashed inside.
Standard boxes are 11.25 x 9 x 3.25 (about the size of a giant phone book), though they also now small boxes, bottle boxes, DVD/game boxes, gift card boxes, wine labels and post cards too.
For Parents You Know That Need a Good LOL Moment
These two in particular had me ROTFLMAO…

And, may you enjoy lots of love and laughter this holiday season.
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