The show must go on…
Back in late summer, when we received news the kids’ preschool was temporarily closed due to the pandemic and I became a part-time homeschool teacher / part-time working-mom, Eric and I thought of the things we’d miss beyond the everyday non-parental instruction to the kids:
1) Fall school photos. I did my best with taking those in my 2020-new, pandemic, safer-at-home, pop-up studio:

2) And, the end-of-year Holiday Show.
So, in late September and without Eric knowing, I looked up a few preschool-age songs on YouTube and the kids and I started rehearsing when he was at work. The list grew and changed a bit over the months into a 16-minute long show. On the morning of December 12th, we sent dad out to complete his holiday shopping while we setup the stage, dressed up in holiday attire, and set out trays of food – including the six varieties of cookies the kids had recently made on preschool days – and flowers for their performance. We surprised Eric upon his return home.
For those of you that need a little preschool-holiday-cheer in your lives, watch now as the kids (recently 3 & 5) present their 2020 pandemic, safer-at-home, holiday show…
There is some intermittent blurriness the first four minutes. As I was directing the kids, I wasn’t behind the camera. Thank you in advance for pushing through that part.
ALL of the reindeer, snowflake, tree props/decor were made by the kids (with teacher help) on corresponding “R,” “S,” and “T” preschool days.
Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings everyone!
Songs Featured: